Autism and the Blended Family
Stepcouples hope and pray they can have peaceful relations with their former spouses, and it is possible. But for some couples, no matter how much they try, the venom and vitriol of the former spouse drowns out all reason and compromise. Rodney and Lisa Webb, and counselor and therapist Helen Wheeler share their difficult blended journey.
How To Help Your Child Find Their Place in a Blended Family
Roles in traditional homes grow with the family. But in stepfamilies, it’s not always clear how everything should work.
4 Ways To Manage Your Emotions as a Stepparent
One of the most stressful aspects of blended family life is the relationship between a stepparent and stepkids. Here are four tips to help you manage the emotions you feel.
Perseverance Wins the Prize for Stepdad
Dave Weier considers it pure joy to father three stepsons. But while he didn’t hesitate to step in, he admits it wasn’t always easy.