Reaching Out with Compassion
As we interact with the LGBTQ+ community, we need to balance truth with love and compassion.
Reaching the Divorce Generation
FamilyLife is making a greater effort than ever before to encourage and equip people to become HomeBuilders.
Will You Make a Difference in the Life of a Child?
Let God use you to change the life of a child, then experience the blessing of your own transformation.
Will You Become a HomeBuilder?
I believe the solution to the marriage and family crisis in our nation is found in equipping and unleashing a movement of men and women in marriage and family ministry.
Three Ways to Improve Your Connection Capacity
How could you more effectively impact the others within your circle of influence?
What Are You Wearing?
Six suggestions for clothing yourself with humility by serving others.
The Lived-Out Gospel
We must show the gospel to people even as we tell them the truth.
The Dos and Don’ts of Mentoring
A list of helpful hints when meeting with younger couples.
The Right Tool at the Right Time
Preparing for Marriage was the resource that helped one couple help people build a foundation for marriage as God designed it.
The 87-year-old Missionary
Widow Margie Rich sees her retirement home as a mission field, finding unique ways to point people to Christ.