The Big Fat Cheap Wedding
Many couples today view the wedding as a celebration of what they’ve attained rather than a commitment to spending their lives together.
What Makes an Unforgettable Wedding?
Why is God so often absent from our ceremonies, except as a token prayer or Scripture reading?
How to Make a Marriage
There is a false and harmful notion that a good relationship is something you find, when in fact it is something you make.
The Ring Makes All the Difference
Marriage builds a relationship like no other. Don’t settle for less.
The Wedding of Rebecca Jean Joy SusieQ Rainey
Notes from the day my daughter, Rebecca, married Jake Mutz
Preparing Couples for Marriage and for Life
Whatever you say about the state of marriage today, one thing is sure: Most peopleRead More »
God’s Way Is Always the Best Way
Confronting cohabitation in my church.
5 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Marriage
Even after all the preparation Merry and I had for marriage, there are some important things that we did not fully understand.
Father of the Bride The Final Chapter
Little else occupied my mind in the weeks leading up to my youngest daughter’s wedding