Can You Balance Work and Family
When we learned that the nature of parenting is sacrifice, we went from trying to have it all to having everything that matters.
25 Tips for Avoiding Mom Burnout
A list for those who—like me—struggle with overcommitting and overworking.
20 Ideas for Busy Parents
Here are some tips for bringing balance to the hectic pace of life.
Q&A: The Overbooked Family
How can we slow down this crazy pace of life?
Q&A: The Balancing Act
How do you relieve the pressures you feel as a family?
Teaching Your Child How to Manage Busyness
Getting a grip on schedules and activities is a gift that will never lose its value.
Who is Watching You
Even if you don’t intend to leave a legacy, you will.
Which Way Is Your Deck Chair Facing
Many Christians have not taken a strong look at what they believe in.
Caught in a Tug of War
Parents often feel tired from fighting the influences of the culture, but let me encourage you to hang on.
A Sabbath for Mommy
A mother’s work is never done: Feed the baby, change the baby, wash theRead More »
22 Ways to Really Listen to Your Children
Tips for relating to your children.
Life Is Good When Parents and Children Slow Down
Busy schedules can overtake a home if parents don’t maintain a proper balance between activities and leisure time.
Cultivating Quiet
Setting a tone in my home that allows for the spiritual disciplines of quiet and solitude is my responsibility.