Session 6.2


Session 6: Nurturing Identity

Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior’s hands. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them!

An inside job.

Where do we start with creating spiritual identity in our kids?

Take Aim Questions

Take some time to journal and process the questions below, they’ll help you apply parenting principles that will set you up for success.


Some parents use the phrase “good kid” and get upset when they hear teaching about children being “sinful”. How do you respond to this teaching?


Think of times in your childhood when you rebelled. What do you remember about those times?


What signs of rebellion have you seen in the hearts of your own children?


What steps have you seen your children take to own their faith?


As a parent, do you find yourself wishing you had more time with your kids learning about God together?

The Need To Know

A good kid?

  •   Every child’s heart, at the core, is naturally rebellious to God and far from him. Exposing our mutual need for God is the first step of helping kids embrace Jesus.
  •   “Good kids” can be misleading. Is the child’s heart surrendered to God–or are they motivated by something else, like people-pleasing, achieving, self-righteousness, or fear? 
  •   Don’t pass the buck when it comes to being the primary discipler of your kids.
  •   We long for formulaic, “do-this-and-your-kids-will-love-Jesus!”—answers to raise godly kids. But awakening our kids’ hearts is the work of God’s Holy Spirit.