Kia Stephens

Kia Stephens is the founder of Entrusted Women, which she created to equip Christian women communicators of color. A contributing writer for, Beloved Women, Proverbs 31 Ministries, and Crosswalk, she is a recurring speaker at She Speaks, the Beloved Women's Conference, and the Entrusted Women's Conference. Kia's writing has been featured on (in)courage and Ann Voskamp's blog. She has also been a featured guest on the Proverbs 31 Ministries Podcast, Chrystal's Chronicles with Chrystal Evans Hurst, Better Together with Barb Roose, and The Dream of You Podcast with Jo Saxton.

Episodes appearing in

Father wounds affecting your marriage? Maybe you've got trust issues, low self-esteem, boundary struggles. Kia Stephens offers real tools for healing. View Show Notes →
Hurt or rejection by a dad can feel like it tumbles into every aspect of life. Kia Stephens discloses her father wounds--and how she began moving forward. View Show Notes →