Blessed Are The Misfits: Brant Hansen

If you’ve ever felt like you don’t fit into American church culture… Brant Hansen has been there, too. Join Dave & Ann Wilson and Author Brant Hanson as they explore modern Christianity, the beauty of being different, and the astonishing goodness of God. Rediscover Jesus’ true love with us.

Lost in the crowd? Brant Hanson discusses Taylor Swift, church alienation, doubts, and embracing misfit Christians. Join us for open conversations on church diversity and introverts. View Show Notes →
In a dark place? Brant Hanson shares insights from his spiritual journey. For those struggling to be social, confident, or happy, this podcast is for you. View Show Notes →
Ever felt like you don't fit into American church culture? Join Hansen as he explores modern Christianity, the beauty of being different, and the astonishing goodness of God. View Show Notes →

Meet Series Guests

Brant Hansen

Brant Hansen uses his media platforms to advocate for the healing work of CURE, a global network of surgical hospitals for children with disabilities in developing nations. He’s a syndicated radio host and the author of Unoffendable, Blessed Are the Misfits, and The Truth about Us. In addition to speaking on the subject of The Men We Need, he frequently speaks at churches, conferences, and corporations on the topics of forgiveness, faith and the autism spectrum, and the kingdom of God.

Brant is also a musician and occasional stand-up comedian. He and his wife, Carolyn, live in South Florida.