Guest Episodes
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
The drawbacks and dangers of phones for teens can feel intimidating. Author David Eaton
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
Overreacting with your teen? Author David Eaton knows the anger is real and stakes
FamilyLife This Week® Podcast
As parents do you have clear direction how to help your kids manage their technology usage? David Eaton and Melanie Mudge, Brian Goins, and Jonathan & Wynter Pitts talk about the landscape of teens and technology.
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
David Eaton knows that smart phones are hugely popular among adolescents, but they're often misused. Eaton challenges parents to have four conversations with their kids before giving them a cell phone.
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
David Eaton encourages parents to talk to their kids about appropriate cell phone usage. Eaton reminds parents it's not so much about how to use the phone but why we use it.
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
David Eaton and Melanie Mudge coach parents on how to talk to their kids about true freedom and explain why living without boundaries isn't freedom at all.
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
David Eaton and Melanie Mudge tell listeners how, in an information-saturated society, our teens need to look to God's Word, as well as their parents, for answers.
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
David Eaton and Melanie Mudge, tell listeners why Christian kids are leaving the faith. Eaton explains why parents must focus on the truth that Jesus is life.
Guest Articles
Smartphones for Smartfamilies
We advise against giving your children a phone if you are not ready to have a conversation with them about it multiple times a week for multiple years.