Guest Episodes
Guest Articles
Wondering What is Just Around the Corner in a New Year?
A new job. Losing a baby. A new house. Or a spouse’s confession. We can’t see what the new year may bring, but we can trust God to write our story.
Created for Intimacy
We have a hole in our hearts that only God can fill.
Gratitude is a Choice
To really experience His peace, we must come to Him with thankful hearts.
The Enemy of Your Marriage
It doesn’t take long for fear to replace trust, for intimacy to be broken. Just look at what happened in the first marriage.
When It’s Hard to Forgive
As Christians, we can excuse the unforgivable in others because God has excused the unforgivable in us.
What Makes a Woman Significant?
The story of Mary of Nazareth illustrates that true identity is not found in a job, a spouse, a child, a position, or a possession.
Proud People vs. Broken People
List created by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
40 Lies Women Believe
A key to experiencing freedom and joy is to replace lies with the truth of God’s Word.
The Sinister Nature of Slander
Our unleashed words can be every bit as damaging and destructive as any other kind of aggressive outburst.
“I’m Not Worth Anything”
Women often end up in bondage to a lie they believe about themselves.
Brokenness: The Heart God Revives
Do you wonder why God seems so far away? It may be that your heart needs to be broken.