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4 Ways I’m Praying for My Kids’ Teachers This Year

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).

My kids have been blessed with several amazing teachers. Along with other administrators and staff, I’m fairly sure we’ve hit the school jackpot.

When starting kindergarten seemed more than my son could handle, the assistant principal of his elementary school made a point to sit by him each morning for more than a week. And she gave me a hug in the hallway when I cried, too.

Before my daughter was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, her school counselor was a life buoy to us during those hard months. And her precious teacher sent me regular updates on how she was coping at school.

Both of my children are greeted in the hallways by name with fist bumps, high fives, and encouraging words. Their teachers have encouraged their strengths (and helped them find them), instilled confidence, prayed for them, praised them, and lovingly disciplined them when necessary.

Saying “thanks” to this amazing group of people never seems to be enough. Don’t worry. You won’t be getting any crayon wreaths from me. I’m seriously not that crafty. Instead, I’m praying for you (okay, maybe I’ll throw in a coffee gift card too).

As my kids enter 1st and 7th grades this year, I’ve prayed for their friendships, their influences (and ability to influence), their safety, and their growth. Just as important, here are the specific areas I am praying for you, my children’s teachers, this school year:

I’m praying for your family.

I know for many of you, as you greet my kiddos at the door with a smile each morning, you have already dropped off your own precious children at school, with sitters, or kissed them goodbye as the other parent did drop-off duty. While I am thankful for all you do for my kids, you have a family of your own.

Whether you are married, have kids, or are single (and lovin’ it!), I know my kids don’t come first on your list of priorities. I pray this school year brings a good work-life balance for your family.

I’m praying you feel appreciated.

I don’t have to tell you teaching is an often thankless job. Kids can’t always see the heart going into the assignments you planned, the weariness in the discipline you lovingly dished out after several warnings, and they surely don’t see the hopes, pride, worry, and concern you have for your students. And parents … well, we aren’t much better.

This school year, I pray you feel appreciated in the work you do. I know, you don’t do it for the recognition. But I’m asking God for you to get a glimpse of the amazing way He created you for this special gig of teaching and guiding tiny humans. I pray He reminds you of the impact you have. “We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us … if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach …” (Romans 12:6-7, NIV).

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I’m praying for wisdom for you.

There are 25 kids in my son’s class this year. Did I mention they are all 6- and 7-year-olds? My daughter’s teachers are seeing similar numbers come and go through their doors throughout the day. That overwhelms me just to think about it.

Each of these kids comes with their own unique combination of strengths, weaknesses, insecurities, and personality. And I know you work so hard to not only help each child learn what’s required, but to instill a lifetime love of learning within them. I’m praying God gives you wisdom in this challenge. Wisdom to face it head on, to trust the intuition He’s given you, to seek Him for discernment throughout the school year.

I’m praying for your walk with God.

For many of the kids walking through the doorway of your classroom, you’re the only representative of Christ they’ll see on a regular basis. That’s an honor that can feel like a burden. Not only do I pray they see Christ in you, I pray you see God’s hand each and every time you walk in that classroom.

I’m also praying you have time to connect with our heavenly Father on a regular basis. I’m praying He refreshes you daily so you can continue the work He put before you.

Although it doesn’t seem like enough, thank you to all my amazing teacher friends and the many other special people God has placed in my children’s lives through their schools. My kids are better people because of you.

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